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Last year we first uncovered Sony using the „Sand Dollar Enterprise, Inc” pseudonym to list PS3 Slims with the FCC, and today two new PlayStation 3 Slim models have been uncovered- the CECH-2101A and CECH-2101B.

In this FCC document [PDF] it states the difference between the CECH-2101A and CECH-2102B model is HDD type only.

For those unaware, the „X” in the models CECH-210XA and CECH-210XB represents the region coding, so replacing it with a „0” would signify Japan, a „1” for North America, „2” for Australia / New Zealand, „3” for U.K. / Ireland, „4” for Europe / Middle East / Africa and so on.

To quote: „We’re not sure why Sony is passing two new PS3 Slims through the FCC. The wireless specs on the new PS3 Slims include 802.11 b/g and Bluetooth – nothing new there.

We’re guessing that maybe Sony found a new manufacturer for some of its wireless components, and was forced to pass the PS3 Slim through the FCC again.”

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Today wborland0 has updated his PS3 Game List homebrew application to version 1.4 with a guide, and as always the changes are detailed below.

Download PS3 Game List v1.4 :

To quote: Another release adding more features to the base app; I tried to squeeze in as many suggestions as possible, feel free to ask for new ones. If you happen to find any bugs, please report them as well.

PS3 Game List v1.4 change-log and features:

Context menu support (right click on list items to activate);
Initial FTP support (download/upload via context menu);
Proxy support;
Allows mass renaming of game folders (to match game id or game title);
Choosing not to overwrite an existing update no longer aborts the download process (the next update in line gets selected);
Fixed creation date sorting issue.

PS3 Game List Quick guide (v1.4):

„Game folder”: loads the game info stored at the selected folder/directory (currently one-level deep; further revisions will eliminate the issue);
„Export”: exports/saves your game list as a text file;
„Clear list”: clears all the data loaded;
„Save changes”: saves all the changes made to the PARAM.SFO files and folders (double click or press F2 to alter game title, firmware or folder name; check the resolution and audio boxes to alter them);
„Rename folders (ID)”: renames all folders to match the game ID (e.g. BCUS98114);
„Rename folders (Title)”: renames all folders to match the game title (e.g. „Gran Turismo 5″;
„Browse game folder”: opens an explorer.exe window pointing to the selected game folder;
„Check for updates”: checks whether the loaded games have updates available;
„Download updates”: self-explanatory;
„Select all/none”: selects/deselects all updates;
„Proxy settings”: opens up the proxy configuration dialog (HTTP/SOCKS 5 supported);
„FTP”: the FTP tab allows the user to connect to a server (or a PS3 running one); left click on an item to display the available options. In order to upload a game, connect to a server and navigate to the destination folder. Then, go to the „Game info” tab and left click on the game to display the context menu. Select „Upload (FTP)” to upload the game to the selected folder.

Today MultiMAN’s deanrr has made available new PS3 EBOOTMod and EBOOTFix Tools, which allow users to decrypt and re-encrypt newer PlayStation 3 executable files for use on older PS3 Firmware versions.

Download PS3 EBOOTMod and EBOOTFix Tools :

To quote: Here is an updated version of the tools. They now handle properly SPRX files. (thanks to belmondo for the hints!)

There are few important fixes (about path with spaces and wrong byte change which may cause crashes and also fixed PARAM.SFO in RETAIL to be DG type). Don’t use previous versions I posted. This package also includes multiMAN 01.16.11 (TEST UPDATE#5) which handles properly SPRX files during SHADOW COPY.

ebootFIX now produces TWO separate folders:

One is [NPDRM] – to be used as PSN-styled game to launch from XMB (to be used with multiMAN’s shadow copy)

The other one is [RETAIL] – it will generate the full game structure with all subfolders + all EBOOT.BIN / *.self / *.sprx files.

[NPDRM] has a PKG file to be used with multiMAN’s shadow copy.
[RETAIL] can be used to directly replace the files in your original game BACKUP.

Let me know if it works properly for you.

Short readme for ebootMOD and ebootFIX:

ebootFIX: Drag and drop a PS3 game folder to ebootFIX.exe.

For example drag&drop






to ebootFIX.exe. ebootFIX processes whole game folders and produces two output folders:

[NPDRM] – folder – content ready to be installed as PSN-style XMB game:

You will find two PKG files in the folder. The tool will decrypt and sign all executables (EBOOT.BIN and other .self / .sprx files) to make them compatible with lower firmware versions. Follow the generated INSTRUCTIONS in [NPDRM] folder.

[RETAIL] – folder – all files which you can replace in your original backup copy to play the game via a Game Manager.

ebootMOD: Drag & drop a file (EBOOT.BIN, .self or .sprx) to ebootMOD.exe. It will decrypt and sign the file to make it compatible with lower firmware versions. The generated file will be saved in the same folder with the original, prefixed with „MODIFIED_”.

More options available via command-line.

Steps are simple and anyone can manage to create PKG for any game he wishes.

1) Drag&drop PS3_GAME folder of your game to “ebootFIX.exe” application
2) You will get a ready to use PKG file
3) Install it on your PS3 and start the game from the XMB.
4) Get your game on your PS3′s INTERNAL HDD
5) Start multiMAN, go to FileManager (select+start)
6) Browse to your game backup, select PS3_GAME folder and press [R3]
7) multiMAN will create some links/shadow copies for your game (no space needed)
8 ) Exit multiMAN and start the game from XMB

You can find eboot_FIX application in the first post of multiMAN’s thread. Once the program completes you’ll get an instructions (.txt) file if you don’t understand the steps above – read the .txt instructions.

Example: Colin McRae Dirt (1) doesn’t work from a backup. So if you drag&drop its PS3_GAME folder to ebootFIX.exe you’ll get two folders:

* [BLES00095] [RETAIL] Colin McRae DiRT and

* [BLES00095] [NPDRM] Colin McRae DiRT (HDD) with files:

1) [BLES00095] Colin McRae DiRT (HDD).pkg
2) [BLES00095] Colin McRae DiRT (HDD)-FW_355.pkg
3) [BLES00095] Colin McRae DiRT (HDD).txt (instructions as posted below)

To use this tutorial you will need a Windows PC and PS3 with multiMAN 01.16.12 (or newer). Please follow these steps exactly in this order! Do not skip or reverse the steps.


[PC] folder generated: “[BLES00095] [NPDRM] Colin McRae DiRT (HDD)”:

!) [PS3] Delete all GAME DATA you may have on you PS3 system for “Colin McRae: DiRT™” game!

1) [PC] Copy the generated PKG file to the root folder of USB stick or USB HDD:

–> for firmwares 01.90-03.41: “[BLES00095] Colin McRae DiRT (HDD).pkg”

–> for firmwares 03.55- : “[BLES00095] Colin McRae DiRT (HDD)-FW_355.pkg”

2) [PS3] Install the PKG file from [* Install package files] menu on your PS3
3) [PS3] Open multiMAN in file manager mode on your PS3 system (press SELECT+START)
4) [PS3] Browse to your game (on internal HDD) and press [R3] while PS3_GAME folder is selected
5) This operation will create SHADOW copy of “Colin McRae: DiRT™” to:

–> /dev_hdd0/G/E00095

and –> /dev_hdd0/game/BLES00095

6) [PS3] Exit multiMAN
7) [PS3] Launch the game directly from “Colin McRae: DiRT™ (HDD)” icon on the [GAME] column in XMB
8 ) [PS3] If prompted to update the game to newer version – cancel the update

!) You can use [BLES00095] [MODIF] files directly with your game if you decide

not to use the (HDD) PKGs, but you will have to rename them to the original names and replace in your game backup folder OR just use files from:

[BLES00095] [RETAIL] Colin McRae DiRT folder.


[PC] folder generated: “[BLES00095] [RETAIL] Colin McRae DiRT”:

1) Replace all files in your original game backup with the contents of the [RETAIL] folder
2) That is it

*) DISCLAIMER: Use this application ONLY with legally owned content!

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Warner Bros. ar putea adopta aceeasi strategie ca si cei de la Electronic Arts si THQ cand vine vorba de vanzarea jocurilor folosite. Potrivit Joystiq, cand Mortal Combat va ajunge pe 9 aprilie pe rafturile magazinelor, box-ul sau va contine un token “online pass”, care va trebui utilizat pentru a putea juca online. Compania planuieste sa aplice aceeasi metoda si pentru jocurile F.E.A.R. 3 si Batman: Arkham City. Cel din urma nu va beneficia de suport multiplayer, prin urmare token-ul va oferi acces catre alt tip de continut.

Conform surselor celor de la Joystiq, informatia provine dintr-un email trimis de Warner Bros catre retaileri. Potrivit companiei, Mortal Combat, care va fi disponibil pe PS3 si Xbox 360 va include un cod de inregistrare care va putea fi folosit o singura data, si care le va oferi jucatorilor acces la toate modurile online din joc. Gamerii care nu vor avea un cod vor beneficia de un free-trial de doua zile, urmand ca apoi sa poata cumpara modulele online pentru 800 MS de pe Xboz LIVE Marketplace si 9.99 dolari de pe PlayStation Network.

Ce inseamna asta de fapt? Pe scurt, daca dumneavoastra va cumparati jocul si il jucati online, atunci cand il ve-ti vinde, persoana care il va cumpara nu va putea sa se joace pe internet ci va trebui sa cumpere un online pass. Destul de nasol, nu? Oricum, nu stiu cati veti dori sa vindeti dupa aceea acest joc, este totusi un classic care nu trebuie sa lipseasca din colectia oricarui pasionat de gaming.


Fighting game Mortal Kombat will force those who buy a second hand copy of the game to pay to play it online, according to a new report.

New copies of the game come with an online pass token that must be redeemed to play online, Joystiq claims.

Otherwise, you’ll need to fork out 800 Microsoft Points or $10 to play Mortal Kombat online.

Pre-owned purchasers get a free two-day trial of the online play.

Online pass for Mortal Kombat – if true – suggests future Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment games, such as Batman Arkham City and F.E.A.R.3., will follow suit.

Joystiq’s source claims Warner has tried to keep its online pass scheme for Mortal Kombat quiet – and the game’s packaging will fail to reference it.

sursa :

Keeping in line with the latest PS3 Linux Dual-Booting work from PlayStation 3 developer Graf Chokolo, today Kmeaw has stated the following to Dukio on his upcoming 3.55 PS3 Custom Firmware update, to quote:

„We haven’t heard from Kmeaw for quite some time, so I managed to get a hold of him and it seems he might bring us another interesting release that should comes in the form of CFW. No, it’s not 3.60 CFW, if you still don’t get it.

I was thinking of a CFW that has bootOS integrated so it gets executed when you power on your PS3 (and switches back to GameOS on user’s request via menu or ssh). It’s not hard to make it. But recently I read graf’s announcment that he is going to accomplish the same task. So I don’t know, if such CFW from me would get any demand.

Also I got bootos-installer and lv2patcher patches from an anonymous hacker who have added 3.15/3.41 support. I’m going to merge them into my code and release the next version.

If you have any ideas about what would you like to have, please tell me.”

Stay tuned for more PS3 Hacks news. Also be sure to drop by the PS3 Hacks Forum for updates!

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CFW 3.60 – PS3

Stiu ca multi dintre voi asteapta vesti noi cu sufletul la gura. Ei bine, am cateva vesti noi, care sunt bune. Hackerul KaKaRoTo a raspuns mai multor intrebari venite din partea unor useri, acesta declarand ca un cfw pentru 3.60 sau versiune mai mare va aparea curand. Aveti mai jos interviul, nu-l traduc, cine e interesat il citeste asa.

De asemenea, hackerul Graf_Chokolo lucreaza la un cfw 3.55 cu dual boot, un custom firmware in care va fi implementata si functia de Other OS. De ce e importanta stirea asta? Ei bine, Graf_Chokolo a declarat ca imediat cum va lansa versiunea pentru 3.55 va lansa si una pentru 3.60, el netrebuind decat sa patchuiasca un fisier si custom firmware-ul sau va fi compatibil si pentru 3.60.

Din pacate cam astea sunt stirile momentan, altceva nu se mai stie. Din pacate nu se stie o data exacta nici cand va aparea cfw-ul pentru 3.60, nici KaKaRoTo si nici Graf nesunand o ceva foarte concret, doar ca trebuie sa apara in curand si ca sa avem rabdare. Va las si interviul cu KaKaRoTo.

„What are your thoughts on the recent PS3 3.60 firmware cracking video that was uploaded and removed over the course of a day last week? Many dubbed it fake and said it was a debug PS3, but when we chatted with the guy who uploaded it he defended it as real and said it was a retail unit.

I’ve seen the videos, and I also talked to the people who did it. Whether it’s fake or not, I cannot tell as I have not been authorized by the authors to divulge what they did. All I can say is that they said they would never release it, so whether it’s fake or not has no importance, since in the end no one will have access to it.

However, as I’ve said to a few people on Twitter, the hack that was used on 3.55 and lower was unique and Sony fixed it. So, that’s finished and we can’t use that method anymore, but it doesn’t mean that there are no other methods to jailbreak. A solution for 3.60+ will be available soon, so no worries — people just need to be patient.

Most people associate “hacking” with “piracy.” You admit to taking steps to lock out piracy. Is that getting lost in the shuffle here? People assume “hacking” automatically means “pirating.” It seems like piracy is often a “necessary evil” that comes along with the process but then overtakes any other points.

There are four words that people keep confusing: “hacker,” “cracker,” “pirate” and “cheater.” But it’s not the same thing at all.

A hacker is basically someone who “innovates and finds solutions to a problem.” A cracker is someone who uses his skills to steal, scam or harm others. A pirate is someone who just steals copyrighted works without paying for it. And a cheater is someone who uses other’s skills in order to cheat in games and thinks he’s awesome for clicking on a button.
Yes, people unfortunately associate a hacker with a pirate, but it’s not the case at all. In my case for example, I’ve never pirated a PS3 game. I have bought over 150 games for my PS3 in the last 3 years, and I don’t think any of the hackers in the scene want piracy to happen. We all just want to find challenges and bring back the freedom that we are meant to have on our machines.

Piracy isn’t a “necessary evil.” It’s not necessary at all. The only reason piracy happened on the ps3 is because Sony were arrogant and they thought no one could get inside the PS3. But once you install a homebrew application, it has full access to everything. There is no protection inside the PS3 to prevent piracy. The only protection they have is to prevent you from installing a “non-authorized” application. If they secured the PS3 internally, piracy would probably never have happened because no one skilled enough to hack the PS3 would spend time on it!

We take steps to avoid piracy, but in the end, there’s always someone who will implement “backups support”, which is legitimate in many countries but unfortunately used for piracy too.

What has been the public’s reaction to your recent work on cracking the PS3’s firmware? Is it equal amounts scorn and appreciation? Are you getting hate mail from fanboys?

I do get/see hate mail, but it’s quite minimal. There was a huge reaction of appreciation and happiness. Recently though I’m seeing a lot of “stupidity” and “annoyance” : people asking everyday about a 3.60 CFW even though I’ve said 1,000 times that I’m not working on that.”

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Aussie-Nintendo’s Infernal Monkey (reporter’s nickname) has noticed a minor difference between the Japanese and North American versions of Dead or Alive: Dimensions’ cover art: the North American version of Kasumi had her skirt subtly moved in order to reveal slightly less of her thigh than her Japanese self.

The discovery has spurred rumors that the change was mandated by the ESRB, but Tecmo confirmed that this wasn’t the case.
„This whole thing is getting blown way out of proportion,” a Tecmo Koei said. „The truth is that when we submitted the box art as-is from Japan, there were a few parties both internal and external who thought there might be some issue with the image. Nobody ‘demanded’ anything be changed, it was just pointed out. You have to pick your battles, and covering up that small bit of the image seemed to be harmless. Honestly, if you look at the comparisons between the Japanese and US box shots, it’s not like the image loses anything after the edit.”
„The ESRB has been very helpful working with us on recent projects. If the box art was something we felt really strongly about, we would have kept it as-is. But we just didn’t really see the harm in editing it to make it appropriate for everyone involved.”


Sony recently launched the latest beta for Home on PS3 and the response have been fantastic so far – for those who have been able to connect.

But the growing pains are certainly to be expected; the official PlayStation blog announced yesterday that everything is back to normal now.

In the next-gen race, Microsoft has had the upper hand on Sony with Live on Xbox 360 being around before PlayStation 3 had even launched.

However, Dan Hill of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, believes that Home is so innovative, it’ll help turn the tide in direction of PS3.

„Home is a brand-new service and no-one else is doing anything of this scale or ambition. We’re a platform-holder doing something genuinely new and exciting, and we’re proud of that,” Hill told CVG.

„The PlayStation Network is getting better all the time, and Home is integral to our online offering. If you buy a PS3 and you grow with us, as Home evolves, you are going to become part of something very special, something unlike you can experience anywhere else.”
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Crystal Dynamics, along with Square Enix, announced that The Tomb Raider Trilogy Pack is now available at North American retailers. The pack has launched exclusively for the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system and includes newly remastered HD versions of Tomb Raider Legend and Tomb Raider Anniversary, as well as Tomb Raider Underworld, previously released on the PS3.

The Tomb Raider Trilogy pack offers PS3 owners the opportunity to play two of the best games in the series now for the first time on the PS3. Both Legend and Anniversary have been carefully remastered from their original PlayStation 2 format into HD and also include full Trophy support.

Additionally, several exclusive items have been created specifically for this pack: The Tomb Raider Trilogy PS3 theme pack, the official Lara Croft female Home avatar outfit, the Viking Thrall male Home avatar outfit and a collection of „making of” trailers in HD for the entire series.

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