Stiu ca multi dintre voi asteapta vesti noi cu sufletul la gura. Ei bine, am cateva vesti noi, care sunt bune. Hackerul KaKaRoTo a raspuns mai multor intrebari venite din partea unor useri, acesta declarand ca un cfw pentru 3.60 sau versiune mai mare va aparea curand. Aveti mai jos interviul, nu-l traduc, cine e interesat il citeste asa.

De asemenea, hackerul Graf_Chokolo lucreaza la un cfw 3.55 cu dual boot, un custom firmware in care va fi implementata si functia de Other OS. De ce e importanta stirea asta? Ei bine, Graf_Chokolo a declarat ca imediat cum va lansa versiunea pentru 3.55 va lansa si una pentru 3.60, el netrebuind decat sa patchuiasca un fisier si custom firmware-ul sau va fi compatibil si pentru 3.60.

Din pacate cam astea sunt stirile momentan, altceva nu se mai stie. Din pacate nu se stie o data exacta nici cand va aparea cfw-ul pentru 3.60, nici KaKaRoTo si nici Graf nesunand o ceva foarte concret, doar ca trebuie sa apara in curand si ca sa avem rabdare. Va las si interviul cu KaKaRoTo.

„What are your thoughts on the recent PS3 3.60 firmware cracking video that was uploaded and removed over the course of a day last week? Many dubbed it fake and said it was a debug PS3, but when we chatted with the guy who uploaded it he defended it as real and said it was a retail unit.

I’ve seen the videos, and I also talked to the people who did it. Whether it’s fake or not, I cannot tell as I have not been authorized by the authors to divulge what they did. All I can say is that they said they would never release it, so whether it’s fake or not has no importance, since in the end no one will have access to it.

However, as I’ve said to a few people on Twitter, the hack that was used on 3.55 and lower was unique and Sony fixed it. So, that’s finished and we can’t use that method anymore, but it doesn’t mean that there are no other methods to jailbreak. A solution for 3.60+ will be available soon, so no worries — people just need to be patient.

Most people associate “hacking” with “piracy.” You admit to taking steps to lock out piracy. Is that getting lost in the shuffle here? People assume “hacking” automatically means “pirating.” It seems like piracy is often a “necessary evil” that comes along with the process but then overtakes any other points.

There are four words that people keep confusing: “hacker,” “cracker,” “pirate” and “cheater.” But it’s not the same thing at all.

A hacker is basically someone who “innovates and finds solutions to a problem.” A cracker is someone who uses his skills to steal, scam or harm others. A pirate is someone who just steals copyrighted works without paying for it. And a cheater is someone who uses other’s skills in order to cheat in games and thinks he’s awesome for clicking on a button.
Yes, people unfortunately associate a hacker with a pirate, but it’s not the case at all. In my case for example, I’ve never pirated a PS3 game. I have bought over 150 games for my PS3 in the last 3 years, and I don’t think any of the hackers in the scene want piracy to happen. We all just want to find challenges and bring back the freedom that we are meant to have on our machines.

Piracy isn’t a “necessary evil.” It’s not necessary at all. The only reason piracy happened on the ps3 is because Sony were arrogant and they thought no one could get inside the PS3. But once you install a homebrew application, it has full access to everything. There is no protection inside the PS3 to prevent piracy. The only protection they have is to prevent you from installing a “non-authorized” application. If they secured the PS3 internally, piracy would probably never have happened because no one skilled enough to hack the PS3 would spend time on it!

We take steps to avoid piracy, but in the end, there’s always someone who will implement “backups support”, which is legitimate in many countries but unfortunately used for piracy too.

What has been the public’s reaction to your recent work on cracking the PS3’s firmware? Is it equal amounts scorn and appreciation? Are you getting hate mail from fanboys?

I do get/see hate mail, but it’s quite minimal. There was a huge reaction of appreciation and happiness. Recently though I’m seeing a lot of “stupidity” and “annoyance” : people asking everyday about a 3.60 CFW even though I’ve said 1,000 times that I’m not working on that.”

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