Keeping in line with the latest PS3 Linux Dual-Booting work from PlayStation 3 developer Graf Chokolo, today Kmeaw has stated the following to Dukio on his upcoming 3.55 PS3 Custom Firmware update, to quote:

„We haven’t heard from Kmeaw for quite some time, so I managed to get a hold of him and it seems he might bring us another interesting release that should comes in the form of CFW. No, it’s not 3.60 CFW, if you still don’t get it.

I was thinking of a CFW that has bootOS integrated so it gets executed when you power on your PS3 (and switches back to GameOS on user’s request via menu or ssh). It’s not hard to make it. But recently I read graf’s announcment that he is going to accomplish the same task. So I don’t know, if such CFW from me would get any demand.

Also I got bootos-installer and lv2patcher patches from an anonymous hacker who have added 3.15/3.41 support. I’m going to merge them into my code and release the next version.

If you have any ideas about what would you like to have, please tell me.”

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