Today wborland0 has updated his PS3 Game List homebrew application to version 1.4 with a guide, and as always the changes are detailed below.

Download PS3 Game List v1.4 :

To quote: Another release adding more features to the base app; I tried to squeeze in as many suggestions as possible, feel free to ask for new ones. If you happen to find any bugs, please report them as well.

PS3 Game List v1.4 change-log and features:

Context menu support (right click on list items to activate);
Initial FTP support (download/upload via context menu);
Proxy support;
Allows mass renaming of game folders (to match game id or game title);
Choosing not to overwrite an existing update no longer aborts the download process (the next update in line gets selected);
Fixed creation date sorting issue.

PS3 Game List Quick guide (v1.4):

„Game folder”: loads the game info stored at the selected folder/directory (currently one-level deep; further revisions will eliminate the issue);
„Export”: exports/saves your game list as a text file;
„Clear list”: clears all the data loaded;
„Save changes”: saves all the changes made to the PARAM.SFO files and folders (double click or press F2 to alter game title, firmware or folder name; check the resolution and audio boxes to alter them);
„Rename folders (ID)”: renames all folders to match the game ID (e.g. BCUS98114);
„Rename folders (Title)”: renames all folders to match the game title (e.g. „Gran Turismo 5″;
„Browse game folder”: opens an explorer.exe window pointing to the selected game folder;
„Check for updates”: checks whether the loaded games have updates available;
„Download updates”: self-explanatory;
„Select all/none”: selects/deselects all updates;
„Proxy settings”: opens up the proxy configuration dialog (HTTP/SOCKS 5 supported);
„FTP”: the FTP tab allows the user to connect to a server (or a PS3 running one); left click on an item to display the available options. In order to upload a game, connect to a server and navigate to the destination folder. Then, go to the „Game info” tab and left click on the game to display the context menu. Select „Upload (FTP)” to upload the game to the selected folder.